Preventive pediatric cardiac examination and PLUS examination

The summer season puts children at increased risk of cardiovascular problems. This is due to heat, increased physical activity, dehydration, heat stroke, but also a change in sleeping patterns. In the Váš Lekár Polyclinic your children can undergo a preventive cardiological examination by a pediatric cardiologist during the summer. You can choose the basic examination package or the extended PLUS examination package.

A visit to a pediatric cardiologist can reveal potential heart problems that could affect children’s health and performance, especially in the case of young athletes. Intense physical activity places increased demands on the cardiovascular system. It is therefore important to check whether the child has any hidden heart problems that could be aggravated by playing sports.

The importance of prevention in children

Prevention is a key factor in keeping children healthy. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of heart problems can prevent serious complications in the future. A pediatric cardiologist can detect problems such as congenital heart defects, arrhythmias or cardiomyopathies that may not be immediately obvious.

Risks of inadequate prevention

Late detection of heart defects can lead to sudden heart failure during physical activity. Stories of young athletes collapsing during training or matches are often the result of under-diagnosis of cardiovascular problems. The first symptoms often appear only during sporting activity, when a higher physical load is put on the heart.

Contents of the basic cardiology examination package:

  • Family history and child’s medical history: the doctor asks about the child’s family history of heart disease and symptoms.
  • Physical examination and blood tests: this includes checking your heart rate, blood pressure and general heart condition using a stethoscope. Blood tests monitor parameters essential for the proper functioning of the heart.
  • ECG (electrocardiogram): this test records the electrical activity of the heart and can detect arrhythmias or other abnormalities.
  • Echocardiography: an ultrasound scan that provides a detailed picture of the heart structures and their functionality.24-hour ECG Holter: provides the cardiologist with detailed information about the heart rate and possible arrhythmias.

Content of the extended cardiology PLUS package:

Basic package + extra:

  • Bicycle ergometry: in the case of athletes, it may be necessary to assess the activity of the heart during physical exertion. During the test, the child pedals a stationary bike while the doctor monitors his ECG, blood pressure and pulse.
  • 24-hour pressure holter (in case of elevated pressure values during ergometry)

Why have the child examined:

  • Early detection of problems: early diagnosis allows rapid intervention, which can prevent more serious complications.
  • Safety in sport: children who are active in sport can continue training knowing that their heart is healthy.
  • A sense of security for parents: parents get the reassurance that their child is in the hands of an expert and is not at risk of health risks during training.
  • Optimization of sports performance: A healthy heart allows for better performance and faster recovery after physical exertion.

Make an appointment to see a specialist

Who cares about your children’s healthy heart?

In our pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic you will meet MUDr. Marek Bjelošević, PhD.
She has over 10 years of experience focusing on cardiac arrhythmias in children.

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**More about MUDr. Bjelošević, PhD. you can find out in this article.**

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Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

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Free eye pressure measurement

On the occasion of World Glaucoma Week, we invite you to free eye pressure measurement at Your Váš Lekár Polyclinic.

When: 14 March from 10:00 to 16:00
Where: Poliklinika Váš Lekár, Eurovea 2
Who: Ophthalmologist MUDr. Petra Šarišská, FEBO

Take advantage of a simple and painless preventive examination that can help catch elevated intraocular pressure or suspected glaucoma – glaucoma – early.

Order you can contact our client centre at tel. number +421 940 40 90 70

Your Doctor Clinic is contracted by all health insurance companies

Dear Clients,

As of December 1, 2024, we have contracted with all health insurance companies.
We are delighted that the new standard of healthcare will be more accessible to you .Take care of your health with us – without waiting and without restrictions.

Because the best doctor is your Doctor.

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