Introduction of the expert: MUDr. Ivana Kolek, orthopaedic surgeon

MUDr. Ivana Kolek graduated from the Slovak Medical University in 2014. Subsequently, she joined the Specialized Hospital for Orthopaedic Prosthetics in Bratislava, where she was assigned to the specialty of orthopaedics, where she worked until December 2023.

Until now, she has been primarily involved in conservative treatment in orthopaedics. Her former workplace focused mainly on prosthetic patients who needed individually made devices (lower and upper limbs – epitheses, prostheses, orthoses). The facility was attended by the full spectrum of patients – from three to 99 years of age. There they also dealt with conservative treatment of paediatric patients, most often with flatfoot and scoliosis. Adult patients were most commonly followed for chronic vertebrogenic disorders and arthritic disease.

When do patients most often come to see an orthopaedic surgeon?

They come most often with two kinds of problems. Either these are chronic musculoskeletal problems or they come with acute problems.

Why did you decide to change your place of work and join the team of Poliklinika Váš Lekár?

Its concept appealed to me. On a personal level, I have also felt for a long time that I needed a new challenge and this opportunity came at the right time. Before I accepted the offer to become part of the Váš Lekár team, I had enough time to convince myself to take this step into the unknown, out of my comfort zone.

I like that the overall focus of the clinic is on prevention – to prevent acute problems from becoming chronic and to remind the patient to do something for themselves. So it is in orthopaedics – regular movement is essential for a person. Without doing something for yourself, it won’t work.

Is there anything the average person can do as a preventive measure to strengthen the musculoskeletal system?

He needs to exercise, move, but ideally not unilaterally. He shouldn’t do just one sport. Someone only runs, someone only practices yoga, and so he overloads certain muscle groups and others, on the contrary, become weak. Strength training should also have an indispensable place, but also normal everyday movement, such as walking.

Patients usually come to me only when they have a problem, when they are already in pain. Prevention is particularly important from an orthopaedic point of view in childhood, when our aim is to detect musculoskeletal disorders such as scoliosis or flatfoot early. Early detection, regular follow-up and the right treatment are essential to reduce the impact on the musculoskeletal health of paediatric patients.

Make an appointment to see a specialist

In your free time, how do you clean your head?

Moving in nature helps me. When I don’t get to the woods, I at least walk in the park, go skating or bike riding. That’s probably what helps me the most.

What are the orthopaedic outpatient clinics in the Váš Lekár Polyclinic?

The orthopaedic outpatient clinic focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, more specifically degenerative joint diseases, spinal pain, leg arch disorders, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis.

It is also intended for the indication of surgical procedures, medical and non-medical treatment. It also indicates rehabilitation examinations. In the outpatient clinic, medicines can be injected into the joints or spinal sprays.

Also orthopaedic surgeon MUDr. Ivana Kolek is part of the professional team of Váš Lekár Polyclinic. More information about the orthopaedic outpatient clinic can be found on this link.

Examinations that you can undergo in our orthopaedic outpatient clinic

  • ultrasound examinations of the musculoskeletal system
  • pedoscopic examination of the arch of the foot
  • application of drugs to joints and spinal sprays
  • indication for densitometric examination
  • indication of medical and non-medical treatment
  • indication of laboratory and RDG examinations, CT, MRI and scintigraphic examinations

Stay in touch with us and you will be among the first to hear about the services of Váš Lekár.

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Free eye pressure measurement

On the occasion of World Glaucoma Week, we invite you to free eye pressure measurement at Your Váš Lekár Polyclinic.

When: 14 March from 10:00 to 16:00
Where: Poliklinika Váš Lekár, Eurovea 2
Who: Ophthalmologist MUDr. Petra Šarišská, FEBO

Take advantage of a simple and painless preventive examination that can help catch elevated intraocular pressure or suspected glaucoma – glaucoma – early.

Order you can contact our client centre at tel. number +421 940 40 90 70

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As of December 1, 2024, we have contracted with all health insurance companies.
We are delighted that the new standard of healthcare will be more accessible to you .Take care of your health with us – without waiting and without restrictions.

Because the best doctor is your Doctor.

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