Váš Lekár Outpatient Clinic

Visit a medical specialist’s office for acute, chronic, or preventive cases.

Choose from our range of product packages

Packages of Your Doctor Polyclinic

Visit a specialist doctor’s office – even for a one-time visit – whether for acute, chronic, or preventative cases, take an extended preventive exam to get comprehensive information about your health, or become an annual member with a variety of benefits.


Package S

59 €
package validity 1 month

Package M

99 €
package validity 3 months

Package L

189 €
package validity 6 months

XL package

349 €
package validity 12 months

Annual card

General Medicine

99 €
package validity 12 months

Annual card


99 €
package validity 12 months

These performances cannot be purchased online. You can make an appointment at the Client Centre of Your Doctor Polyclinic in person or by phone:+421 940 40 90 70

Extended preventive examination

Extended preventive examination

399 €

Extended Preventive Examination with DNA Analysis

639 €

These packages can be purchased online, in person at the Your Doctor’s Clinic Client Centre or by phone:+421 940 40 90 70

Annual membership

Annual membership

Basic package

599 € / 12 months

Annual membership

Standard package

990 € / 12 months

These packages can be purchased online, in person at the Your Doctor’s Clinic Client Centre or by phone:+421 940 40 90 70

Open clinics

Dental hygiene

Diabetology, metabolic and nutritional disorders

Dermatovenerology and Aesthetic Dermatology


Physiotherapy and rehabilitation


Gynaecology and obstetrics

Surgical ward



Clinical oncology




Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)

Paediatric cardiology


Radiology department (X-ray)

Radiology department (USG)


Internal Medicine

General Medicine

Nutritional counselling

Outpatient clinics that will open soon


Aesthetic Dermatology

Additional workplaces

EEG – Electroencephalography

This is a neurological examination that records the electrical activity of the brain. The electrodes are located on the surface of the patient’s head and RECORD the electrical impulses generated by brain activity. In this way, doctors can study possible brain disorders, epilepsy, sleep disorders and other neurological problems.

EMG – Electromyography

This is a painless instrumental examination by a neurologist. An electromyograph uses electrodes placed on the skin to record the electrical activity of muscles and the nerve cells that control them. Indications for examination are most often a tingling sensation in the limbs, stiffness and pain in the muscles, tics or cramps. This method is also used to diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

This space is used for performing surgical and laser procedures. We also use it for urology and gynaecology procedures and minor procedures in outpatient care.

It is used to administer fluids, medications and nutrients directly into the patient’s vascular system via the intravenous (IV) route. This ensures a fast and efficient delivery of substances to the body. It is necessary for the sake of treatment and improvement of the patient’s state of health. Intravenous therapy is used in a variety of situations such as hydration, administration of medications, nutrients or blood products.

We collect biological samples from patients for various diagnostic tests and laboratory analyses. This room is equipped to allow health professionals to collect blood, urine, stool and other biological materials that are needed for diagnosis and monitoring of patients’ health status.

Dispension and sale of medicines + over-the-counter assortment.

Frequently asked questions

Váš Lekár Clinic focuses on prevention and longevity. In practice, this is a combination of classical medical specialisations and complementary specialisations (nutritional, pharmaceutical, mental health counselling), as well as extended preventive check-ups according to age and gender, which the client can carry out during the duration of the annual personal care programme. The clinic will have a limited number of clients so that it can provide sufficient time for the physician to perform the examinations and so that the client has a positive experience with active listening and explanation of medical procedures.

On the Outpatient Clinics subpage you will find information about 23 outpatient clinics and five additional workplaces.

The annual program in the polyclinic, which includes commercial services related to client management (ordering, notifications, etc.) costs 1200 €. The client does not pay for medical procedures that are covered by his/her health insurance company – with the exception of dentistry, psychology, nutritional counselling, dental hygiene, aesthetic procedures and rehabilitation procedures. The client pays for all procedures according to the valid price list of services (e.g. cystoscopy by a urologist), as well as for all examinations at his/her own request (non-indicated examinations). If the medical specialty is not contracted with any or all health insurance companies, the client must pay the full cost of the prescribed medication (does not apply to procedures or laboratory tests).

No, the clinic is aimed at preventing adult clients, i.e. people who have reached the age of 18.

At the reception of the polyclinic, you will fill out a general care agreement together with the receptionist. We will take care of the transfer of the medical documentation towards us.

Yes, you can. After the examination of the booked patients, the doctor will attend to you in accordance with the current legislation.

Yes, there is a so-called. one-time access to one specialist. It contains two inputs (examination and control). Client management for this program is 150 € one-time.

Yes, we have a special Try Us program for that. This is an initial preventive examination and the client can choose from some specialized preventive examinations (musculoskeletal / ophthalmic / urological / gynecological). This preventive check-up costs 150 € one time including client management. If the client stays with us after this program, we will deduct it from the price of the year-long program, i.e. 1200 – 150 = 1050 €.

The client makes an appointment by phone +421 940 409 070 and makes an appointment for the agreed time. It should be taken into account that the examination time is indicative, because the examination of each patient is individual and may slightly exceed the specified time frame. The call centre worker offers appointments according to the availability of the doctor’s electronic diary and offers the earliest possible appointment. We build the ordering system so that the appointment is available within a maximum timeframe of XXX days.

The call centre is the preferred method of ordering, as we will be deploying the client zone in phases. In the future, there will be an appointment facility using the client area which will include appointments as and when required. This client zone will not be in the form of an app, but will be in the form of a responsive website that is just as easy to navigate. You will also be able to order conveniently via your smartphone.

Yeah. The polyclinic will arrange follow-up examinations such as MRI and CT through external cooperating partners. A list of these will be made available to clients together with the appointment procedure when the clinic opens.

Cancellation or rescheduling of the appointment is made via call centre, e-mail or client zone, or in person at the reception of the polyclinic at least 48 hours before the examination. Just 48 hours prior to the appointment, a reminder of the appointment will be sent to the client asking for any cancellation or rescheduling to avoid inefficiencies with medical capacity.

The opening hours of the polyclinic will be from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 to 20:00. The polyclinic does not yet provide weekend services and the emergency room will not be available. We recommend clients to use the hospital emergency room within the city of Bratislava or in their place of residence.

Yeah. The client calls the call centre, which connects them to a general practitioner. After consultation with the client, the doctor will determine the client’s condition and recommend further action.

Preventive check-ups within the clinic are designed to provide a picture of the client’s health status by age and gender, including the doctor’s interpretation; to cover as many possible health risk areas as possible and to create a comprehensive view of the client’s health problems after the doctor’s examination and evaluation of laboratory tests and ECGs. And to fill medical capacity in adequate numbers at the same time.

Yeah. If several members with a clear connection (e.g. family/partners) purchase an annual membership, each client will receive a discount of € 200 off the price of the annual programme.

The annual package also includes an occupational medical examination for employees classified in I. and II. categories of work according to health risks. Your company can then claim the amount as an expense in its accounts. Your accountants will give you more details.

Stay in touch with us and you will be among the first to hear about the services of Váš Lekár.

Kontaktujte nás

Ak máte záujem o naše produkty/objednať sa na vyšeterenie, kontaktujte nás na Klientskom centre telefonicky, e-mailom alebo osobne.

Klientske centrum k dispozícii

Pondelok - Piatok od 7:00 do 20:00


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

Nechajte nám odkaz

Contact us

If you are interested in our products/appointments, please contact us at the Client Centre by phone, email or in person.

Client centre available

Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

Leave us a message

Free eye pressure measurement

On the occasion of World Glaucoma Week, we invite you to free eye pressure measurement at Your Váš Lekár Polyclinic.

When: 14 March from 10:00 to 16:00
Where: Poliklinika Váš Lekár, Eurovea 2
Who: Ophthalmologist MUDr. Petra Šarišská, FEBO

Take advantage of a simple and painless preventive examination that can help catch elevated intraocular pressure or suspected glaucoma – glaucoma – early.

Order you can contact our client centre at tel. number +421 940 40 90 70

Your Doctor Clinic is contracted by all health insurance companies

Dear Clients,

As of December 1, 2024, we have contracted with all health insurance companies.
We are delighted that the new standard of healthcare will be more accessible to you .Take care of your health with us – without waiting and without restrictions.

Because the best doctor is your Doctor.

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Čoskoro sa Vám ozveme.