Boris Bajer: In Váš Lekár’s Clinic, Clients Take Responsibility for Their Health

He often talks about how he went through a period of obesity in his childhood, which led him to various dysfunctional diets and later eating disorders – all of which mirrored his mental health. Boris Bajer overcame these complexes, they led him to study medicine and today he advises other people how to avoid the mistakes he himself made in life.

A private clinic is heading to Eurovea 2.

In an interview with Pavel Marcinko, CEO of Váš Lekár, and Daniel Gaspar, managing partner of Crowdberry, you will learn: what stage the premises of the new polyclinic in Eurovea 2 are currently in, how telemedicine examinations work, for whom the polyclinic will be primarily intended, how much you will pay for a yearly membership in the polyclinic, how the investment in the polyclinic will work.

Poliklinika Váš Lekár

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Polyclinic Váš Lekár

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