Preventive pediatric cardiac examination and PLUS examination

The summer season puts children at increased risk of cardiovascular problems. This is due to heat, increased physical activity, dehydration, heat stroke, but also a change in sleeping patterns.
In the Váš Lekár Polyclinic your children can undergo a preventive cardiological examination by a pediatric cardiologist during the summer. You can choose the basic examination package or the extended PLUS examination package.

Benefits of an extended preventive examination

The importance of prevention has come to the fore in recent years. Many people neglect their health due to responsibilities and workload. However, properly executed preventive health care takes a minimum of time. That’s why we are coming up with the concept of an extended preventive check-up offering personalized medicine. We have designed it with the individual needs of each client in mind, depending on their age and gender. It focuses on the values that currently affect his health the most. It should be taken by everyone who wants to take an active part in their health.

Introduction of the expert: MUDr. Adela Chríbiková, gynecologist

Hundreds of women in Slovakia are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer every year. These are diseases that may not be fatal if caught and treated in time. Nevertheless, many women neglect their gynaecological prevention, a common reason is also fear. Why the preventive examination is important and why it is not to be feared was explained to us by our gynaecologist MUDr. Adela Chríbiková.

Introduction of the expert: MUDr. Kristína Botló Kučerová, rehabilitation doctor

There are 23 outpatient clinics within the Váš Lekár Polyclinic, some of which also focus on prevention and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. In addition to the orthopaedic outpatient clinic, you can also visit the physiotherapy and rehabilitation outpatient clinic. What it focuses on – this was revealed to us by rehabilitation doctor MUDr. Kristína Botló Kučerová together with physiotherapists PhDr. Ľubica Rostášová, Mgr. Alena Tkáčová and Mgr. Monika Kruta.

Váš Lekár and his progress in 2024

After operating several independent outpatient clinics in several Slovak cities, Váš Lekár is continuously expanding its operations – in January 2024, it opened the Váš Lekár Polyclinic in Bratislava and, in addition, five pharmacies with diagnostic centres in Slovakia.

Poliklinika Váš Lekár

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Polyclinic Váš Lekár

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