We are Váš Lekár Clinic

A medical facility aimed at a longer active life

In January 2024, we opened Váš Lekár Clinic in Bratislava, which focuses on achieving total well-being for clients.

We are dedicated to health prevention, education and patient support.

We provide health care to modern people who care about their life.

We want to be available to them throughout all periods of life, not just preventively.

We will take care of them in case of health problems and we will be there for them during their recovery.

Our vision

Longer active life as the new Slovak standard.

We believe 65 can be the new 55!

Regular health care will add 10 active years (not only) in middle age.

In practice, this means:

Our goal is to advance the current standard of Slovak healthcare and to combine a modern approach with the aim of achieving a longer life for our clients.

The Four Pillars of Váš Lekár


We guarantee easy remote communication and your personal visit takes place in an accessible and attractive location.


We take a holistic approach to your health and want to help you achieve a longer active life. Prevention is one of the tools to achieve ideal well-being


Within the clinic you will find all the necessary services, professional approach and modern equipment in one place. Váš Lekár also brings innovation to pharmacies where you can try out basic diagnostics.


We speak clearly. Health results are presented to you in an easy-to-understand format and there are no hidden charges during the examination.

Váš Lekár in numbers

37 500 treated

patients per year in our outpatient clinics

6 ambulances

in three Slovak cities

1 million

tests on Covid-19. Diagnostics by our medical staff

4 vaccination centres

in two counties

100 sampling points

as part of the full-scale testing for Covid-19

Stay in touch with us and you will be among the first to hear about the services of Váš Lekár.

Kontaktujte nás

Ak máte záujem o naše produkty/objednať sa na vyšeterenie, kontaktujte nás na Klientskom centre telefonicky, e-mailom alebo osobne.

Klientske centrum k dispozícii

Pondelok - Piatok od 7:00 do 20:00


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

Nechajte nám odkaz

Contact us

If you are interested in our products/appointments, please contact us at the Client Centre by phone, email or in person.

Client centre available

Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

Leave us a message

Free eye pressure measurement

On the occasion of World Glaucoma Week, we invite you to free eye pressure measurement at Your Váš Lekár Polyclinic.

When: 14 March from 10:00 to 16:00
Where: Poliklinika Váš Lekár, Eurovea 2
Who: Ophthalmologist MUDr. Petra Šarišská, FEBO

Take advantage of a simple and painless preventive examination that can help catch elevated intraocular pressure or suspected glaucoma – glaucoma – early.

Order you can contact our client centre at tel. number +421 940 40 90 70

Your Doctor Clinic is contracted by all health insurance companies

Dear Clients,

As of December 1, 2024, we have contracted with all health insurance companies.
We are delighted that the new standard of healthcare will be more accessible to you .Take care of your health with us – without waiting and without restrictions.

Because the best doctor is your Doctor.

Ďakujeme za Váš záujem!

Čoskoro sa Vám ozveme.