Váš Lekár and his progress in 2024

After operating several independent outpatient clinics in several Slovak cities, Váš Lekár is continuously expanding its operations - in January 2024, it opened the Váš Lekár Polyclinic in Bratislava and, in addition, five pharmacies with diagnostic centres in Slovakia.

After rich experience with the operation of outpatient clinics in three cities and the management of the Záporožská Health Centre in Bratislava, we decided to bring a unique concept of a polyclinic to the Slovaks and to refresh the concept of pharmacies following the model of Western Europe,” says the company’s CEO, Pavol Marcinko.

Pharmacies with diagnostic centres will offer more accessible healthcare

During the last few months, Váš Lekár has managed to open pharmacies in five Slovak cities – in Zvolen, Krupina, Trencin, Bratislava (within a polyclinic) and in Želiezovce. “We are not stopping with our plans, in 2024 we plan to launch a total of nine pharmacies across Slovakia,” says PharmDr. Lenka Drapáčová, MBA, MPH, expert guarantor of the project of pharmacies and diagnostic centres.

Váš Lekár has for many years perceived a spreading opinion in society – that pharmacists only sell medicines in pharmacies. However, it is the pharmacist who is the most accessible health professional. Therefore, following the example of Western European countries, the company decided to bring more affordable healthcare. Within the pharmacies (with the exception of the pharmacy in the Váš Lekár Polyclinic in Bratislava) it brings the so-called. Diagnostic centres where pharmacists can perform legally approved physical and biochemical tests.

Greater accessibility is also represented by the operation in Trenčín, which also includes drive-in access. Customers can also buy medicines in the comfort of their car; without having to get out of it.

Váš Lekár Polyclinic in an attractive environment of Bratislava’s downtown

It is the first polyclinic focused on prevention and longevity in Slovakia. The guarantor of its concept is a Slovak physician and nutritionist, MUDr. Boris Bajer, PhD.

It operates on a professional and exact approach, represented by 23 specialised outpatient clinics and five complementary workplaces – all under one roof. “Our goal is to look at the health of our clients as a whole. In the case of a specific case, their medical history is assessed by several relevant physicians, and the digitised data makes this process fast and efficient,” Bajer explains. 

Váš Lekár Clinic provides health care to acute and chronic patients; however, it also focuses on prevention and achieving longevity. Regardless of the client’s level of health, through early intervention and prevention, it takes care of their well-being and prolongation of their active life.

Personal approach to each client

The Váš Lekár Clinic has created the so-called extended preventive examination, which is adapted to the age and gender of the client. “Thespecific parameters that are essential to monitor for effective health prevention differ between women and men. We know that a 60-year-old man requires a different range of specialist examinations and a 30-year-old woman a different one,” explains Boris Bajer, adding, “thatis why we add fertility and prostate examinations, among others, to our preventive check-ups.” The polyclinic accepts a limited number of clients – this is so that the doctors have enough time to do their job and so that the clients receive full health care. All this during convenient opening hours, in an accessible location and without unnecessary waiting.

For example, an extended preventive check-up assesses the risk of atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attack or stroke. Detects the development of diabetes early 2. type and oncological diseases.

The extended preventive examination includes:

  • establishing medical history,
  • follow-up physical examination,
  • ECG,
  • a laboratory test that monitors more than 20 markers,
  • ultrasound of the abdominal cavity,
  • gynaecological examination with a choice of breast or thyroid ultrasound (for women),
  • ABI examination and urological examination (in men).

A check-up lasts approximately two to three hours and has the advantage that the client can have all the examinations in one place, which in other circumstances can take much longer, even with transfers.

Five general outpatient clinics in three Slovak cities

For several years, the company Váš Lekár has been uniting under its brand five general practitioner’s clinics in three Slovak cities – Bratislava, Poprad and Považská Bystrica. The newest general practitioner’s outpatient clinic is in the Saratovská Hospital in Bratislava – currently accepting new patients. 

Váš Lekár’s ambition is to bring healthcare to the 21. century and try to fulfil the potential that Slovak healthcare brings with it.

Poliklinika Váš Lekár

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