News and announcements

Introduction of the expert: MUDr. Bjeloševič, PhD., pediatric cardiologist

In our pediatric cardiology outpatient clinic you will meet MUDr. Marek Bjelošević, PhD. She has over 10 years of experience focusing on cardiac arrhythmias in children.

Do you need a specialist doctor? This way you can get to it without waiting

Slovakia has long experienced a problem with the availability of outpatient health care. Patients wait several months to be seen by specialists. This concerns mainly the Bratislava region, but other regions of Slovakia are already experiencing problems with the availability of health care. The Health Care Supervisory Authority points out, among other things, that the outpatient sector is overburdened and many doctors are of advanced age. These are also the reasons why, despite not having replacements, they are closing their clinics. In the current situation, the newly opened Váš Lekár Clinic offers a solution.


Health: Prevention saves lives and helps people stay fit in old age

Bratislava 29. February (TASR) - Good prevention of civilisation diseases can save millions of lives every year. It is also key in achieving a quality senior years. Boris Bajer, a doctor and the guarantor of the concept of the Váš Lekár Polyclinic, pointed this out at Thursday's press conference. He also pointed out that according to statistics, Slovaks underestimate prevention.


Introduction of the expert: MUDr. Ivana Kolek, orthopaedic surgeon

MUDr. Ivana Kolek graduated from the Slovak Medical University in 2014. Subsequently, she joined the Specialized Hospital for Orthopaedic Prosthetics in Bratislava, where she was assigned to the specialty of orthopaedics, where she worked until December 2023.

Introduction of the expert: Ivan Varga, MD, PhD, cardiologist

MUDr. Ivan Varga, PhD. graduated in general medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University in Bratislava, where he also completed his postgraduate studies with a dissertation entitled Characteristics of patients with acute heart failure in Slovakia.

What awaits you in the newly opened Bratislava Polyclinic Váš Lekár?

Right next to the first Slovak skyscraper, since January there is a brand new Váš Lekár Clinic. Come and see what it looks like.


A new private polyclinic has been added to the medical facilities in Bratislava. They opened it last week.

Váš Lekár Clinic opened its doors on 8. January 2024 in Bratislava's Eurovea 2, next to the first Slovak skyscraper. What it looks like and what its clients can look forward to - you can find out in this article.


Don’t feel comfortable in your own skin? Maybe perimenopause is to blame

The first signs of perimenopause begin to appear already after thirty. Prepare for your life to be affected for two to ten years.


Slovaks are not used to this: a new private clinic is heading to Bratislava, we know the details

Slovaks will see a new polyclinic in 2024. Váš Lekár Polyclinic has been preparing it for several months in the newly opened Eurovea 2 shopping centre.


Stay in touch with us and you will be among the first to hear about the services of Váš Lekár.

Kontaktujte nás

Ak máte záujem o naše produkty/objednať sa na vyšeterenie, kontaktujte nás na Klientskom centre telefonicky, e-mailom alebo osobne.

Klientske centrum k dispozícii

Pondelok - Piatok od 7:00 do 20:00


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

Nechajte nám odkaz

Contact us

If you are interested in our products/appointments, please contact us at the Client Centre by phone, email or in person.

Client centre available

Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm


Eurovea 2, Pribinova 40, Bratislava 821 09

Leave us a message

Opening hours during holidays

Dear Clients,

We would like to inform you that during the Christmas holidays, from 23 December 2024 to 1 January 2025, the Your Doctor Clinic will be closed.

Thank you for your understanding and we wish you a Merry Christmas full of peace, love and joy. We look forward to your visit in the new year!

Your team of Your Doctor Polyclinic!

Your Doctor Clinic is contracted by all health insurance companies

Dear Clients,

As of December 1, 2024, we have contracted with all health insurance companies.
We are delighted that the new standard of healthcare will be more accessible to you .Take care of your health with us – without waiting and without restrictions.

Because the best doctor is your Doctor.

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